The World Wildlife Fund and French artist Paulo Grangeon made 1,600 paper-mache pandas and have been touring the world since 2008.

Each paper-mache panda represents one of the only 1,600 pandas that are left in the wild. So they may look like a large crowd when they are put into these spaces, but it is misleading when you realize that it represents the entire panda population.
Grangeon was asked to create the panda sculptures in 2008 by Serge Orru, then director of WWF in France.
"As a sculptor, I made art and showed it to only 100 people at a gallery. But now, these pandas have inspired many to help the environment," the 62-year-old said.
His panda sculptures are made in a Thai village. Each exhibition requires new pandas to be made and so far more than 10,000 have been created.
All of the pandas are made with recycled paper, rice and environmentally friendly paint.
Since September 2016 the giant panda is no longer an endangered species, following decades of work by conservationists to save it.
The official status of the much-loved animal has been changed from "endangered" to "vulnerable" because of a population rebound in China.
The objective of 'The Fallen' project was to make a visual representation of the 9000 people, which included civilians, Germans forces and allies, that died during the D-day landings on the 6th June during WWII. This entailed drawing 9000 human bodies on the beach of Arromanches (D-Day landing beach) using stencils in the shape of the human body.

The result was, the project sent a global visual message of the impact of war, and was an example of what happens in the absence of peace.
Although there are many monuments that memorialised the soldiers and civilians that lost their life on D-Day, it was hard to visualise the scale of the actual human loss. This project, much like the 'blood swept lands and seas of red' exhibit at the tower of London, helped put into context the number of people who sadly lost their life when their bodies are all imprinted into the sand.
"There will be no distinction between nationalities. They will be known only as ‘The Fallen’. It does not propose to be a celebration or condemnation, simply a statement of fact and tribute to life and its premature loss.” James Wardley (Sand Artist)
Paulo Grangeon

Pandas in Paris
Pandas in Hong Kong